A big idea is great, but putting that big idea into action has the power to change the world.
As educated girls become women, they can transform local communities and act as role models for younger girls.
Basic mobile phones can circumvent lack of broadband access, but only to a certain extent.
Health care needs are paramount after a disaster, and medical personnel fight against time to reach and assist victims.
Healthy children develop healthy communities, which in turn support a community's economic well-being.
Investments in ICT will play a major role in generating stable, high-paying jobs and boosting the nation's gross domestic product.
Learning networking basics is only a gateway to career growth and exploration.
Major drivers of global unemployment are lack of job creation and skills shortage or mismatch.
National service can bridge the gap between the social challenges we face and the resources needed to overcome them.
Progress to reduce hunger is being made by tackling both the cause and the consequences of extreme poverty and famine.
Technology is getting smaller, faster, cheaper, and more powerful every day.
The Internet empowers people to have a direct impact on an emergency situation on a global scale.
The public and private sectors in Afghanistan must work together to create an ICT-educated workforce.
To prepare for the workforce, you have to understand the world.
When one person's livelihood changes, it can impact an entire family, then a whole community.
When people look for and demand purpose in their work, it impacts businesses, communities, and the economy.