Young men and women of color get told 'no' by so many people. But just listen to your inner voice. Amplify it. Make it strong!
You're on set more when you produce an episode, and it's long hours, but you learn so much.
You don't bring the taco to you, you meet it, and you turn to it.
You can't visit Guanajuato without going to the mummy museum.
When you're a starving artist, you make do. It didn't matter that I didn't know where my rent was coming from.
When you get a bunch of Latinxs together, we get to handle our stories. A cultural shorthand happens.
When you change media, perception is changed and then policy is changed.
When I was in school, I didn't get exposed to Latino playwrights.
What I notice a lot about millennials is that they have agency over their sexuality.
We don't have a lot of narrative on TV or film, mainstream film, of brown queers. Latina queers, I can't think of that many.
There is no 'generic' Latina.
The thing is about 'Vida,' we're telling a very simple family narrative. There's nothing fancy about it.
The hierarchy plays out in the writers room, and you, as a staff writer, need to know your place.
The fact that I have a show on Starz, it's crazy. It's insane.
The big, radical thing that I'm trying to do is to portray Latinas as complex human beings.
I'm always writing. There's no stopping. It's just that you can't see it sometimes.
I'm interested in people's darkness - and humor in the darkness.
I'm not a good business person when it comes to my writing.
I'm not literary, and I'm not academic, and I don't think like a poet, so my stuff will never be like that.
I'm obsessed with accents.
I'm queer - and queer, to me, is not being stuck in a binary and being kind of fluid.
I'm sad about my theatre career, but I've also fallen a bit in love with TV!
It's mountains. The air is crisp. It's peaceful. You don't get spring break in Guanajuato.
Other people started taking me seriously before I took myself seriously.
Pleasures. I had to cut them back so I can write. And it's worked! It so has. But I am the most boring human on the planet.
Putting on makeup before work is a meditative exercise. It incites me to think about how I'll tackle my day.
Raul Castillo was my first high school boyfriend.
So many times, shows say they're set somewhere - like in Chicago, 'The Good Wife' - but it doesn't feel like Chicago.
Sometimes, when I was the only person of color in a room, you had to defend all the people of color everywhere.