Can you make fancy patterns of water that actually have some computation power? I'm betting that fluids are complex enough to do this.
I always liked numbers.
I always liked situations where there were very clear rules of what to do.
I am still very fond of Australia, but my life is now in Los Angeles.
I don't have any magical ability. I look at a problem, play with it, work out a strategy.
I don't like accepting things at face value.
I enjoy a good meal, a good vacation, or a good movie, much as anyone else would.
I recall being fascinated by numbers even at age three and viewed their manipulation as a kind of game.
I tend to change research direction every few years or so.
I think one nice thing about mathematics is that we don't really have one prize that dominates all the others, like the Nobel prizes.
I was never very good at school with... Humanities... Anything which was more a matter of opinion.
If I don't understand something properly, every single component, it really bugs me.
If I experiment enough, I get a deeper understanding.
In 1992, when I was 16, I moved to the United States to start working on my Ph.D. At Princeton University in New Jersey.
It was traditional to not actually cash the prizes that Erdos did award while he was alive. People usually framed the cheque instead.