Failure is inherent in the game. So if you don't respond well to adversity, you're probably not going to have a long career.
If I let my brain follow its path unfettered, it would be kinda ugly.
It's a human phenomenon that there has to be a reason for everything. There almost never is.
I think everyone deserves more than one World Series every 108 years so.
No one is immune to needing to sit or needing to go down at the right time, and you want to give guys a chance.
Whoever your boss is, or your bosses are, they have 20 percent of their job that they just don't like.
Be intentional about the spaces you create but not at the cost of compromising other elements.
To win the World Series, you have to be able to do a lot of things well.
Watching the Dodgers perform at a really high level is a nice reminder to us as to how high the bar is.
You have years where most things go your way, and you have years where more things than usual seem like a challenge.
We knew the 2017-18 offseason would be one of our most challenging. We've known that for a long time.
I think people want the Cubs to succeed, and by extension, they want people associated with the Cubs to succeed.
I don't want to be buried in a Red Sox casket.
The Red Sox hadn't won in 86 years when we took over. We didn't run from that challenge - we embraced it.
Baseball is better with tradition, with history. Baseball is better with fans who care.
I want to thank everyone who has ever put on a Cubs uniform and anyone who has ever rooted for the Cubs.
I believe in the First Amendment. But I also believe we should be mindful of how other people feel.