Let's see I'm into a whole bunch of different people - Alexander Wang... That's my dude.
I hate writing texts to girlfriends because you can't really see emotions in texts. You can get confused on what she says.
I understand demographics.
I'm not a beach person.
Dressing up, for me, is looking like an idiot.
I own over ninety-five different hats and, over the years, have lost or given away 120 hats. You gain to lose... You lose to gain.
I love N.Y.C.! I can't think of any individual that hates New York.
I focus a lot on my voice because I want it to be an instrument as well. I want my voice to add color.
The first time I really listened to an album and thought, 'This album is mine,' was Kanye's 'Late Registration.'
I wore my same look for six years. My hat and glasses - people recognize me now.
After Andy Warhol died, it left a dark cloud over N.Y.C. Nightlife.
What I sell is the higher knowledge of knowing what's next and not following the trend of what's now.
I'm kind of brandless. I don't like big logos or whatever.
Brooklyn for twenty years, I've learned that there is always someone better than you at what you do.
Punk music is rebellious.
Image plays a huge part in my music and in my lifestyle.
It's not only about the rap lyric. Today, people are buying you as a person.
I started getting emails from Anna Wintour inviting me to her dinners. It was just surreal.
I love fashion week. It has great energy and vibe.
I am more into guys' fashion, but I'm inspired by women's fashion in a weird way.
I love to hear a cool ambient sound at runway shows. It creates a good energy.
Mixtapes are very personal, and they describe who you are better than an album sometimes.
When you're a kid, you're only exposed to what's going on in your mind. The mind is like a bigger-than-outer-space type of thing.
I connect to SpongeBob in a way; like, that's the homie. He can chill on the corner with me.
I like Jeremy Scott, and he has some really dope sneakers.