If you can get out in front of people with your ideas and your execution, you'll attract the people who need to be pulled in.
Run with what works Sell to the people who believe in you and are willing to take the chances and make the experience happen.
Transnational terrorism, in the form of the Salafi Jihadist movement, is fundamentally a function of globalization.
The most important thing you need to know about the Pentagon is that it is not in charge of today's wars but rather tomorrow's wars.
Washington has a tendency to hold other powers to standards that it routinely flaunts - plain and simple.
Every U.S. President enters office promising stronger ties with our southern neighbors, only to thereupon largely ignore them.
Barack Obama inherited a bankrupt economy, a bankrupt government, and a bankrupt foreign policy.
The Marines are like my West Highland Terrier. They get up every morning, they want to dig a hole, and they want to kill something.
Frankly, the only thing China has in easy abundance is people and dirty coal. Neither is the asset they're made out to be.
Historians are going to look back on rising China and say America, at least under the Bush years, did not get that wrong.
Women waited 144 years before earning suffrage. If a mature, multiparty democracy was so darn easy, everybody would have one.