I was talking to Jay-Z for a little bit, and there was another actress that was there who wasalsotalking to Jay-Z.
I'm about to be starting playing this like crazy, maybe I'll lose 10 to 15 pounds. Who knows?
Everybody the same We all got problems. We all want to be loved. We all wanna be happy.
Stop holding your truth; speak your truth. Be yourself. It's the healthiest way to be.
I don't mean to be so sensitive, but that's just who I am. And I'm not afraid to admit it.
I love Groupon. I just got a pedicure because of Groupon, and it was the best pedicure ever. I'm going to write a review!
I danced for, like, 11 years at bar mitzvahs and executive parties. I'm a professional energy producer. I produce energy, baby.
I think of comedy as my man it's the one thing I can always rely on that will keep me safe, keep me fed, put a roof over my head.
There are a lot of comedians that were bullied and picked on, and that's why they became comedians. Survival of the fittest.
Every teacher that I've ever had, that I still remember their name, made me laugh. I feel like comedy is the best instrument to teach.
I'm not afraid of any kind of job, I'm not afraid to play any kind of role, as long as it doesn't compromise my morals.
I learned from Roger Rabbit that if you make people laugh, they'll do anything for you - which is almost true.
I did tell the census man I was white, and I'm telling you, I started getting offers for the black American Express card in the mail.
I've studied Charlie Chaplin for years. I've studied Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, all of them. I don't play around. This is not a game.
I love Groupon. I just got a pedicure because of Groupon, and it was the best pedicure ever. I'm going to write a review!
I don't mean to be so sensitive, but that's just who I am. And I'm not afraid to admit it.
Stop holding your truth; speak your truth. Be yourself. It's the healthiest way to be.
Everybody the same We all got problems. We all want to be loved. We all wanna be happy.
I'm about to be starting playing this like crazy, maybe I'll lose 10 to 15 pounds. Who knows?
I was talking to Jay-Z for a little bit, and there was another actress that was there who wasalsotalking to Jay-Z.