A back door is a nonstarter. It means we are all not safe... I don't support a back door for any government, ever.
Anything can change, because the smartphone revolution is still in the early stages.
Apple doesn't do hobbies as a general rule.
Apple has a culture of excellence that is, I think, so unique and so special. I'm not going to witness or permit the change of it.
Apple has sourced, procured and is donating 10million masks to the medical communityin the United States.
Apple TV will reinvent the way that you watch television, and this is just the beginning.
Augmented reality will take some time to get right, but I do think that it's profound.
Everybody in technology seems to want big numbers. Steve never got carried away with that. He focused on making the best.
From a demand point of view, it's hard to gauge when you don't have product in stores.
Hearing these stories just make my heart sing.
I am very bullish on India because of its people, its culture, and the leadership. I love the culture and warmth of people.
I am who I am, and I'm focused on that, and being a great CEO of Apple.
I don't really think anything Microsoft does puts pressure on Apple.
I don't think Apple has to own a content business.
I have been waiting to do this since I was five years old!
We have never said that we're perfect. We've said that we seek that. But we sometimes fall short.
People like things they can do now, not just think about.
Our values are that we do think that people have a right to privacy. And that our customers are not our products.
We don't collect a lot of your data and understand every detail about your life. That's just not the business that we are in.
When we launch a product, we're already working on the next one. And possibly even the next, next one.
The kind of investors we seek are long term because that's how we make our decisions.
You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change.
It's not what Apple and Beats are doing today. It's what we believe pairing the two together can produce for the future.
You don't have to choose between doing good and doing well. It's a false choice, today more than ever.
The way we look at manufacturing is this the U.S.'s strategy should be to skate where the puck is going, not where it is.
The right focus for the U.S. Is on advanced manufacturing - something that requires innovation.
We see that in the top problems in the world between haves and have-nots, generally we find that the root cause is education.
We're not Big Brother, we'll leave that to others.
Yes, we have some cash.
That really advantages not only Apple, but everyone in the streaming field.