Albacore tuna has a mild flavor that's delicious served raw or seared briefly on the outside so that it's still rare on the inside.
At the fishmonger, choose fish with bright scales and clear eyes.
Be sure to read a recipe all the way through before you cook. The time it saves you in the long run is invaluable.
Catfish has a nice firm texture and mild flavor.
Coho or silver salmon are very common and easy to get for a good price.
Cooks are an undervalued, awesome profession.
Customers are more friendly when they've had a meal.
Entrepreneurial people are never satisfied.
Every cook I knows loves to make pizza.
Farm to table is a personal choice.
For a group of friends or a family dinner, fish tacos are popular and fun to make.
How can anyone live off of minimum wage?
I crave my mom's Sloppy Joes.
I didn't go to university. I didn't go to culinary school, barely made it through high school.
I don't answer my phone in a restaurant.
I would love to see McDonald's pay more money.
I think that people need to stand up with their backbone and not go to places where they feel like the workers aren't taken care of.
There's natural mentoring that goes on in my life every day.
When you watch 'Shark Tank,' everything is about off-shore this, off-shore that.
I know Jeff Bezos because I cater at his home.
Money is like manure if you don't spread it around, nothing grows.
My dad never explained anything growing up.
Sometimes managers are a little shy to criticize another manager or another operation.
I've been taught by everyone I've ever worked with.
If you just feel lazy and don't want to cook, then don't cook.
I think you owe it to your kids to teach them how to cook - you know, self-survival.
One-pot meals make a lot of sense... Because so much of what people hate about cooking is really the cleanup, the mess, the grease.
Some of the best things you do are the things you don't do.
We've become such a restaurant society.
The two things that are going to make you a better baker without even trying are a scale and a thermometer in your oven.