I have so much respect for people in the service. The mental strength it takes to do what they do is unbelievable.
I have sat in with the Burbank Philharmonic and the Topanga Orchestra when they need someone if someone gets sick or something.
Going to Africa was being able to take my volunteering and my passion for hospice one step further.
I love the dancing and the music from Latin cultures. I went to a Flamenco show in Spain once, and it completely took my breath away!
When I became aware of how inhumane it is to test on animals, I made a commitment not to buy anything that was.
I actually have my first iPhone deformity because it sits on my pinky, and now my bone actually dips in where my cellphone sits.
If I could adopt any zoo animal, it would be a giraffe. I have always loved giraffes. They are so graceful and beautiful to watch.
I don't buy any leather goods or anything made from animal products - no down, nothing. It's something people should be mindful of.
When I became aware of how inhumane it is to test on animals, I made a commitment not to buy anything that was.
If I could adopt any zoo animal, it would be a giraffe. I have always loved giraffes. They are so graceful and beautiful to watch.
I have sat in with the Burbank Philharmonic and the Topanga Orchestra when they need someone if someone gets sick or something.