'Days Before Rodeo' is just the journey of me finding out who I am.
A nerd can call another nerd a nerd.
Beyonce is, like, the highest level. We all reach for that level.
Cudi should be a top tier artist... I think he fathered a lot of the style of music. He's a good influence and a good help.
Drake is an amazing person. Also, a magician. He's a big brother, super-talent; he's cool.
Every time I go into the studio, it's some next level, man.
Everybody just has different steps in their life that they take to do what they should.
Fans be reflecting the way I be making music.
Growing up in Houston, the music scene is super boring.
I always hate when, like, my favorite performer has a boring moment. Especially when they got mad hits.
I consider myself an artist, which is, like, the most played term, but I believe it.
I design music; I don't produce it.
I don't look at myself as a designer; I'm focused on music.
I don't need a stage to perform. We just need something to stand on.
I don't write; I just go in the booth.
My grandad, he has his doctorate in psychology.
I'm La Flame at all times. That, at times, can be bad, at times can be good.
I wouldn't make music with you if I didn't know you. If you're a good artist, and if you know it as well, I'm down.
You can't buy swag.
You can't buy being a rock star.
I have devoted myself to the Rockets.
When you come to my show, it's like a no-holds-barred, underground Royal Rumble.
I'm super nice - I just get excited!
My A&R at Epic got fired the first week I got signed.
In my whole career, all I wanted was acceptance from Kid Cudi. I don't care about nothing else! This dude saved my life.
Kanye is the leading eagle he's like the president who stands up for kids like us who have ideas.
I was on mad platinum albums... I produced and wrote on them.
I love my fans more than anything.