Anything humans can do in space, robots can do better.
Art is more than a series of images that are disembodied. Art is objects that live in real places, economies, spaces, architecture.
Artists have historically understood images better than anyone else. This is what we do.
At extreme distances, there is essentially no such thing as depth of field.
Creative projects are rarely the result of a single person's efforts.
Do cave paintings mean anything? Not really, but I, for one, am happy to have them.
For me, one of the jobs of an artist is to try to see changes taking place.
For me, there's something very romantic about going and looking at the stars and trying to photograph spy satellites.
Geosynchronous spacecraft will be among civilization's most enduring remnants, quietly circling Earth until the Earth is no more.
I am not a journalist or an academic.
I believe that art can make relevant and progressive contributions to culture and society.
I don't feel it incumbent on me to make sense of everything.
I don't put work in an art gallery because the next day I want people to march in the streets.
I pretty much made a conscious decision to make projects a lot of people can relate to.
I think of AI itself as a monster of capitalism.
I think of my visual work as an exploration of political epistemology the politics of how we know what we think we know.
I think the automation of vision is a much bigger deal than the invention of perspective.
I want to help develop a visual and cultural vocabulary around surveillance.
I would argue that racism, for example, is a feature of machine learning - it's not a bug.
If we look in the right places at the right times, we can begin to glimpse America's vast intelligence infrastructure.
If you create a place where anything can happen, anything will happen.
Image-making, along with storytelling and music, is the stuff that culture is made out of.
Images can make realities out of people and struggles - the reality we give them. Images really matter.
Injustice drives me crazy!
It's common knowledge that most of the guys at Guantanamo are nobodies. Many were turned in by bounty hunters.
It's not okay for me to behave as if I'm cynical about the future. Even if I am.
Many of the things that shape the way the world looks are, quite frankly, invisible.
My dad was not one of these stereotypical military people - buzz-cut, rah-rah-rah.
Nothing that you make in the world exists in isolation from the social and political and ecological dimensions of it.
Seeing various aspects of the secret state and surveillance state echoes a long tradition in art of looking at the sublime.