I've a big bum and chunky calves. My husband says I've got elephantiasis of the legs.
I think only a woman understands another woman's body.
It's very exciting to feel like a different woman with a new identity.
Every morning, I have a drink of spinach, blueberry, celery, carrot and Gillian McKeith energy food with linseed.
Even my basic, basic wardrobe is still pathetically colour coordinated. It just is. That is just me.
I am very precise about what food I like. I'm very much a nursery-food person, and really hate chichi dishes.
There were times when rehab and the halfway house were very, very tough, but I never felt that I wanted to leave.
I'm a mixture of untidy and anal.
I think I just took a while to know myself. I went on a journey to find out. I was a bit wild.
I will admit I am quite obsessive about the world of anti-ageing.
To me, the word 'workaholic' is a negative word.
At school, I was only allowed four sweets every Wednesday, so I've developed an addiction.
I've been nine stone for 20 years. I always eat what I want; it's not an issue for me.
A Joan Crawford dress looks really good on an hourglass figure.
I've had these lips all my life, and I love them.
I hate trends, but I love fashion.
I judge when I need a top-up of Botox by looking in the mirror to see if I can move more than half my forehead.
I know I am not the worst-dressed person.
I literally change on the shop floor. I just stand there in my knickers sometimes.
I was a very unconfident teenager. I wanted desperately to fit in.
I would never go out in track bottoms and a baggy T-shirt.
I'd love to say fashion faux pas differ from country to country, but they don't.
I'd never have a facelift, as I have never seen one that looks good.
I'm not good at cutting off from work.