As far as wrestling goes, as long as my body is able to withstand the physical beating, I will keep wrestling.
As far as luxury goes, about the only thing I do is... I go first class all the way. I live on the road, so when I'm out there, I'm getting the nice hotel suite, I'm getting the luxury car, I'm eating the good food, and I make sure I take care of myself on the road.
I think I can finally say I am at my most confident and comfortable out there, physically.
Oh, gosh, okay... Well, my biggest injury was probably a bone chip in my ankle that required surgery.
And I have the support of the writers: I have a great relationship with the creative team, and they have a good hold of my character and my personality, and they come up with some great stuff, and I'm forever trying to change it up, keep it fresh.
Royal Canadian Air Farce, and I was in three sketches there. And they wrote some really great stuff for me.