Youth and health are only valued when lost.
Your ruler is your oppressor; who can you appeal to?
Your five year old son is your instructor; at ten your slave; at fifteen your equal and after that either friend or foe.
You may lie, but not too much.
You don't wash blood away with blood but with water.
You don't steal a bitter eggplant.
You don't have to know much to read, but you do to cook.
You cannot get into paradise without a guide.
You cannot forge a good sword from bad iron.
You can proclaim the truth also in a friendly way.
Would he who fears not the lion fear a dog?
Wine that isn't paid for is drunk twice.
Who seeks a faultless friend remains friendless.
Who kisses the feet of his mother, kisses the step of paradise.
Who has power in his hands has no need to lie; he uses violence.
Listen with both ears, but speak with only one tongue.
For the birds that cannot soar, god has provided low branches.
If you look for a faultless woman, you will remain a bachelor.
A weapon is an enemy even to its owner.
Hawks will not pick out hawk's eyes.
If your guest becomes a cook, your larder will soon be empty.
To beg of the miser is to dig a trench in the sea.
When violence comes into the house, law and justice leave through the chimney.
He that speaks ill of his wife dishonors himself.
A wise opponent is better than a foohsh supporter.
A heart in love with beauty never grows old.
An emmet may work its heart out, but can never make honey.
He who gives little gives from his heart; he who gives much gives from his wealth.
Care for your horse as a friend; ride it as if it were an enemy.
Contempt is the sharpest reproof.