Anything I can give women to help them feel better about themselves, that's what I want to do.
Women and young girls are constantly judging themselves by standards that aren't real.
It can be frightening. I think, 'I don't want to go.' But I give myself room to grieve.
My mother was a Book of the Month Club devotee. I remember she always looked forward to Pearl Buck's books.
I'm basically an actress, not a comedienne, and if something comes along that appeals to me, I'll do it.
I danced in choruses from about 1959 to 1967, in 'Take Me Along,' 'Wildcat,' and 'Subways Are for Sleeping.'
We all have a way to contribute, to your community, to your family, whatever it is you can do.
I wouldn't give people advice except to share with them what I'm doing, which is, You're alive - stay alive.
I don't have a reputation of being a super-witch who demands pink rugs in the dressing room.
Forgiving is giving up the wish that things could have been different. They weren't. That's the past. Let it go.
With imagery, as actors know, you can make up anything you want to. You can put yourself in icy water to get rid of this or that.