Actually, I have never been a great fan of martial arts competitions. Not even when I was training martial arts myself.
As I respect others, I want others to respect me.
Astrology is interesting but not very accurate. It's a science I don't trust very much.
Burzum is the reflections of my personality. It's my dreams and desires.
Burzum was never formed, as Burzum is no group, only Count Grishnackh of many colors.
Burzum was never my choice of life. I didn't even want to become a musician.
Civilization is going down the drain, and the sooner it does, the better.
Defiance in itself is a sign of strength, and strength is a light side of human nature - when at all present, that is.
Globalization is very destructive to our species.
Hate is irrational. I am a rational person.
Hellhammer is the best drummer ever, and Euronymous is a musical genius.
I am not concerned about my posthumous fame. Monuments are no good to the dead.
I am not religious in any way, but I have a pagan ideology and pagan values.
I am not the 'Count' that has been portrayed in the media.
I believe in blood, soil, and honour; family, homeland, and hamingja; strength, traditions, and courage.
I don't care much about society.
To me, personally, an ideal society would be a world where only I and those I care for exist.
I live in the present and in the future. Not in the past.
To record an album is cathartic, or at least it was with 'Belus,' but to make music is more fulfilling than anything else, I think.
Lead by example. Be better than those you despise.
I expect either total success or total failure. That's my lot in life.
Yes, maturity in life brings maturity to the music I make.
Music is an artform, and I always though art was beyond censorship. I thought this was a common view. Apparently, I was wrong.
I live an isolated life, and I rarely meet others.
That Hollywood 'LotR' movie really sucked, and was a true turn-off. That's what Hollywood always does, even to good stories.