Keep interested, read books, watch television and try to keep in touch with life and what people are doing, seeing and enjoying.
Be active to your full capabilities.
When I look on my mantelpiece and see these cards wishing me a happy 100th birthday, I can't believe it.
I'm a girl from East Ham.
I used to go from place to place by tram. A shilling would take you all around London and the suburbs.
I was born with a passion for music.
I don't like a cheater.
You've got to be nice to people when you're on your way up, because you never know who you are going to meet on the way down.
I always took things very seriously. Always have done.
I went goodness knows how long without a bath.
I seem to have had quite a lot of pink dresses.
Our family didn't have a lot of money, so my brother, parents and I spent our holidays at Southend-on-Sea.
Getting an upset tummy is never pleasant, and it's worse if you get a funny tummy a long way from home.
I think people looked at me as one of them - an ordinary girl from an ordinary family with a voice they could recognise.
I've been blessed to be able to sing and perform.
I don't listen to music. I never have done.
They didn't like my voice at school.
When I started out, I was what they called corny. After a week in Nashville they were calling me hillbilly.
Remember to stand tall and tuck your tummy in - very important as you get older!
Make up your mind what you want to do, and go and get it. Make sure it is not at the expense of anyone else, though.
People used me, in a way, to achieve something, and I was glad of it. I was just doing my job.
We'll Meet Again' is the one that means more to me than anything.
There was so little said about the Burmese war. The Forgotten 14th, they called them.
If work came along I liked, I would do it. If it interfered with home life for too long or took me away, I wouldn't.
I'm keen on the sun, so weather is an important ingredient for a perfect holiday.
Ordinary British people don't on the whole find it easy to express their feelings, even to those closest to them.
I think a sense of history and perspective for our young people today is essential.
Entertaining the boys in Burma was something that I will never forget and will remain a highlight of my life.