I haven't got a waist. I've just got a sort of place, a bit like an unmarked level crossing.
Music is an element that should be part and parcel of every child's life via the education system.
Radio killed variety and TV killed radio, and the internet will kill television and it will go on and on.
A lot of panel programmes rely on men topping each other, or sparring with each other, which is not generally a very female thing.
Music enriches people's lives in the same way paintings and literature do. Everybody deserves that.
All my friends started getting boyfriends, but I didn't want a boyfriend, I wanted a thirteen-colour biro.
People always think I hate doing interviews. I don't. I wouldn't do them if I didn't like them.
I sometimes think that being widowed is God's way of telling you to come off the Pill.
In my day we didn't have sex education, we just picked up what we could off the television.
In London it's easy not to be the focus of attention, especially when Sting lives in the house just behind you.
I once went to one of those parties where everyone throws their car keys into the middle of the room. I don't know who got my moped, but I drove that Peugeot for years.