Too happy would you be, did ye but know your own advantages!
Knowing sorrow well, I learn to succor the distressed.
They are able because they think they are able.
Let us go singing as far as we go; the road will be less tedious.
The hour is ripe, and yonder lies the way.
Fortune sides with him who dares.
The goose gabbles amid the melodious swans.
Happy is he who can trace effects to their causes.
Perhaps even these things, one day, will be pleasing to remember.
As the twig is bent the tree inclines.
Time passes irrevocably.
Each of us bears his own Hell.
Time is flying never to return.
All our sweetest hours fly fastest.
All things deteriorate in time.
Trust one who has tried.
They are able who think they are able.
Happy [is] the man who has learned the cause of things and has put under his feet all fear, inexorable fate, and the noisy strife of the hell of greed.
Perhaps someday it will be pleasant to remember even this.
They can because they think they can.
Praise a large domain, cultivate a small estate.
Persevere and preserve yourselves for better circumstances.
Who asks whether the enemy was defeated by strategy or valor?
In strife who inquires whether stratagem or courage was used?
The flocks fear the wolf, the crops the storm, and the trees the wind.
Fear is the proof of a degenerate mind.
Endure, and preserve yourselves for better things.
Every kind of fortune is to be overcome by bearing it.
They can conquer who believe they can.
Myself acquainted with misfortune, I learn to help the unfortunate.