I like my jeans fitted but I wear quite baggy tops and slouchy jackets.
The problem with Instagram is people aren't portraying their real selves.
Diane Kruger has a really chilled-out sense of style. It has a Parisian feel and isn't overly girly.
The Internet used to be fun, it was nice, now it's a way for people to be abusive towards one another.
I'm a very proud Irish person, and also used to be an expat. We are a great nation, sound in fact!
I'm trying to figure out where I'm going with my life and that causes a lot of anxiety.
I used to have a bright pink, shiny bubble jacket when I was young. My mum made me wear it.
That's the joy of having a dog. You have to walk them no matter how awful you feel.
I won't be made to feel guilty about being a working mum; it's my choice, and I know I'm doing a good job.
Make-up wise Charlotte Tilbury, Estee Lauder, and Bobbi Brown are my favourites.
London seems like such a small place now that I've been there for a while.
Instagram to me is just all about fun.
Nobody knows it, but I would be considered posh in Ireland.
I try to be very honest with everything I do.
People know me from my social media and television appearances and they'd see through me if I wasn't being honest.
I don't model anymore, there's, like, zero pressure for me to get back into shape.
I don't think diets work - when you stop, you just put the weight back on.
I get quite bad anxiety and it's come back a bit while I've been pregnant. I don't know why I have it - it's just general life anxiety.
I like women who don't wear too much make-up. Natalie Portman is naturally stunning, and so are Charlize Theron and Kate Bosworth.
I liked bands like Oasis and The Prodigy.
I love a really, good in-depth facial, I've had the vampire facial. But I have my limits.
I love black and white and very simple and classic clothes.
I think people are weirded out that I like being single.
I try to be healthy during the week, then go a bit wild at the weekend.
I used to consider changing a lot of different things in my appearance. I've been that person.
I want a family and I just want us to be happy, which I'm sure we will be.
I want to promote a healthy lifestyle where I'm toned, I'm not too skinny, I'm the weight I want to be.