A lot of times they don't want to hear it. But you know, if some good is done to you, you should pass it on.
But you know, the system almost destroyed itself while it was goin' on trying to destroy us.
Cuz I was never pretty anyway and never cared anything about that.
Don't ever try and be like anybody else and don't be afraid to take risks.
Finally, my manager negotiated a deal where I got to produce my own records.
Honesty is something you can't wear out.
I didn't aim at anything except good music.
I love Johnny Cash, and I respect Johnny Cash. He's the biggest. He's like an Elvis in this business, but no, he's never been the rebel.
I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.
I mean, I think we're put here on earth to make your own destiny, to begin with. I don't think there's anything you can do this way or that way to change anything.
I never have any problem getting enthusiastic with a good song and a good band.
Mainly what I learned from Buddy... Was an attitude. He loved music, and he taught me that it shouldn't have any barriers to it.
So I'm not very popular here with those inside the system, as you might guess. I never wanted to be.
You know, I feel sorry for the young artists.