Your pot broken seems better than my whole one.
Your neighbor's apples are the sweetest.
Your health comes first; you can always hang yourself later.
You reproach your daughter, but you mean your daughter-in-law.
You never lose a false coin.
You find everything when you are spring cleaning.
You do not fall because you are weak, you fall because you think you are strong.
You cannot hold your head high with your hand out.
You can't put "thank you" in your pocket.
You can't measure the whole world with your own yardstick.
You can't make cheesecakes out of snow.
You can't chew with somebody else's teeth.
You can wash your body but not your soul.
You can throw a cat whoever you want, it always falls on its feet.
You can make the dream bigger than the night.
A penny is sometimes better spent than spared.
He that lies on the ground cannot fall.
Life is the biggest bargain - we get it for nothing.
Sins hide not in your sleep but in your dreams.
Don't ask questions about fairy tales.
Every poor man has a dry throat and wet boots.
It's good to hope, it's the waiting that spoils it.
Make new friends, but don't forget the old ones.
Nothing tastes more bitter than the truth.
Sleep faster - we need the pillows.
When the ox just stumbles, they all sharpen their knives.
A flatterer must not lose his temper.
A jest is half a truth.