Good and bad lies within and without one other loses its mean and essence.
Hope is human natural right but they have to keep it.
Humanity is about raising up each other for good.
People wealth consists upon their freedom, individual resources and good social life.
It is greed that makes us human as it could be for good or bad.
Everything is different and nothing is same in the universe.
Books have the power to create, destroy or change civilizations.
Every political mean is imperfect.
As our choices leads us toward certain path so let's explore those choices so we can make right one.
Struggle of power is natural in human because with power their individuality prevails over others.
There is bad in good and there is no good in bad.
Passion belongs to nothing and reason belong to many things that's why reason it is better than passion.
Each thinking mind is a political mind
Human is what he decides to be.
Each thinking mind is a political mind.