You may doubt the preacher, but never the word of god.
This world shall not be at peace, unless we eradicate jealous first.
The way a man handles himself in his anger may define his nobility.
The problem is;doing bad in the name of good.
Te quiero patricia,más que puedo fiarme de decir, más que palabras tienen el poderde expresar! !!,Babe te quiero.
If a man's judgement be impaired, let him study philosophy.
If a man is poor, and at the same time lazy,he is more likely to be malicious.
I've seen a disciplined man who possessed nought, and i've seen a wealthy man who is devoid of understanding.
Dont desire much,lest you be greedy.
Don't be fooled, god does not take chances.
Choose to take care of the careless and you will end up having nought.
All politics must cease then we may find world peace, no political leader will bring peace to the world.
A man whose reasoning is myopic can not claim to have conceived of a great idea.
Had malice not become a trusted friend to humankind, I should have applauded all technical endeavours.
When love takes over,you may embrace what you dont like.