Twitter, it can be said, completely changed the way activism is done, who can participate, and even how we define it.
My acting and activism go hand-in-hand, and they really support one another.
My activism and sexual revolution in New York was a factor.
It was definitely activism by accident.
It was Dr. King's tireless activism that fostered our modern way of relating to one another.
Judicial activism must be lessened, and the judiciary should do its work and let politicians work.
Acting is my career and activism is my passionate hobby. But acting is my livelihood.
There is no call to activism from us.
We have a problem with judicial activism in this country.
Most activism is brought about by us ordinary people.
Digital activism did not spring immaculately out of Twitter and Facebook. It's been going on ever since blogs existed.
Hashtag activism is a catalyst, but things have to actually happen in real life.
Activism is wasteful.
Activism isn't something you just kind of get involved in and then turn your back on it.
Activism and art do go hand in hand, but I am an artist and an 'artivist' within that.
Activism in the street is truth-telling, and organizing is talking to people for a specific goal.
My policing was nothing but activism - it had to be.
My activism always existed. My art gave me the platform to do something about the activism.