Actually the majority of this program are JK's projects, it would be enough if just one-third succeed.
I actually rarely ever get hit on. Isn't that funny? People think I do, but I actually don't.
In the case of Stalinism, people actually distorted science because it was for the good of the Communist Party.
Judgment can be acquired only by acute observation, by actual experience in the school of life, by ceaseless alertness to learn from others, by study of the activities of men who have made notable marks, by striving to analyze the everyday play of causes and effects, by constant study of human nature.
You know, I don't watch television! Sorry! I actually don't even have a television. I don't, I really don't. It's nuts, but it's true.
A lot of 'Time' was actually about a friend's relationship and me seeing what she went through and how she felt.
A producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service.
A theory of creativity is actually just a metaphor. A pool of ideas, a well of memories, a voice.