There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy.
I did an adaptation for a movie called 'The Devil in the White City' by Erik Larson for Warner Brothers. I love that book.
You have to keep adapting to the times. If you kind of go with it, it can kind of fun.
What the U.S. Will have to spend to adapt will dwarf what poorer countries will have to pay, these are mind-boggling amounts.
I can adapt to any situation.
Guys don't adapt as well as women do to getting their heart broken for the first time. It's tragic.
I'm pretty versatile. I'm able to adapt to an environment and the way I view things based on who I'm with.
People in Russia adapt to misery by a deep, deep humor.
In an Ashes series you have to adapt quickly to the conditions and your rivals. If you don't, you get found out.
I've never adapted a book I didn't love.
Adapting a book is the most difficult thing because half the time you are wondering what to remove.
It is very challenging to adapt to life at a big club like Madrid, but I'm not the kind of person to make excuses.
You must adapt to the situation. This is where the pictures come from.
There is something uncannily adaptive about anti-Semitism the way it can hide, unsuspected, in the most progressive minds.
Players have to adapt nowadays, and if you have a good football brain, if you can read the game, you can manage it.
I can adapt to change easily, but I'm not a fan of it.
We adapt very quickly to things, don't we?
It takes time to adapt to become an Arsenal player.
It's difficult to adapt to Barcelona.
I'm trying to adapt - they say you have to adapt to vertigo.
'Clueless' is an adaptation of 'Emma' by Jane Austen. It works either way if you know the book and if you don't.
I had to adapt to other worlds, and that helped to educate me that we are all basically the same.
Bowlers have to adapt all the time.
I just can really adapt to any kind of environment.
Coaches are going to adapt to whatever the rules are. The rules certainly change strategy.
I can adapt my game to anyone, whether it's Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, or Batista.
My career should adapt to me. Fame is like a VIP pass wherever you want to go.