Well-adjusted means you can make the same mistakes over and over again, and keep smiling.
However, german citizens will have to adjust to a further increase in prices for the time being.
I looked and adjusted my glasses; that's a lot of zeroes.
Even if we take the adjusted net new money figure, then it would not be as good as credit suisse.
We have no plans to change the cuban adjustment act at this time.
Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
You have to adjust your expectations.
We are shaped by each other. We adjust not to the reality of a world, but to the reality of other thinkers.
We are talking about every possible way that we can adjust the flows.
During the first quarter we will adjust production to the new lower level of demand in north america and brazil.
I feel knocked out and confused, it's a big adjustment getting back into society again.
Pitchers made an adjustment to me. It's up to me to come up with an answer.
It's impossible not to constantly adjust the way you look at yourself.
The world is changing. I'm trying to adjust to it, just like everyone else.
We travel so much, I never adjust to time zones any more.
People are very accommodating and adjusting in Ahmedabad and that's what touches me a lot. It's the warmth of Amdavadis that moves me.
You have to adjust to where you are but the French are all together - the guys and the women. It's good.
I've adjusted to this, that my books are not going to get unanimously good reviews.
You got to adjust to how your life is.
For me, as a pocket quarterback, there wasn't much adjustment as I got older.
I'm a very private guy, so it's an adjustment for me, but a welcomed one, as long as the work remains the focus.
There is still much work to do, you have to adjust your expectations.
I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I'm in.
Kim never adjusted to the new house and the divorce.
We had to adjust and threw a few more rise balls and curves but it worked.
You have to be able to adjust on the fly, and that is what the great ones do.
It was a perfectly average well- adjusted childhood, not a bit unlike that of millions of other individuals.