Fundamentally, adopting rules without any estimate of the impact is the height of arbitrary decision-making.
I talked about adopting a baby when I was 20 years old, before it became 'hip.'
When adopting a dog, you have to find the right match for your family.
I even thought of adopting a child as a single mother.
Adopting this lifestyle and opting to exercise has helped me a lot in life.
I'm not adopting a baby.
Adopting a pet is like taking the responsibility of a baby.
No, I'm not adopting any children.
I was adopting an Ethiopian child, that's not true. My house was haunted, that wasn't true. God, there's been so many rumours.
The rest of the world might be adopting more casual workwear.
I tricked my parents into adopting him, I knew they would end up falling in love with him.
Uber is adopting the shock and awe strategy, I think it's a very high risk strategy.
Civilization is a slow process of adopting the ideas of minorities.