The songs I write are about searching, and they're ambiguous - always to be understood in different ways.
Being culturally ambiguous and having to deal with bullying made me strong and independent.
The ambiguous orientation of Japan drove the country into the position of an invader in Asia.
My style is ambiguous and lucid. I wish to be signified but not summed up. I don't want to have to go over the top each time.
Anime is intended to have ambiguous features. That's part of the art form.
Those 12 years, they were ambiguous at best.
I would like to provoke ambiguous responses in my readers.
A scientific prize is an ambiguous thing it highlights an individual when we should highlight a collective effort, but I'm not alone.
Me feeling ambiguous about my gender identity has been a lifelong feeling, certainly.
I feel really ambiguous about the psychology of people trying to do good in the world.