Sleep takes off the costume of circumstance, arms us with terrible freedom, so that every will rushes to deed. A skillful man reads his dreams for his self-knowledge; yet not the details, but the quality. What part does he play in them - a cheerful, manly part, or a poor, drivelling part? However monstrous and grotesque their apparitions, they have a substantial truth.
Like an armed warrior, like a plumed knight, james g. Blaine marched down the halls of american congress and threw his shining lance full and fair against the brazen foreheads of the defamers of his country, and the malign-ers of his honor.
But cannabis is a drug, and like all drugs, it can harm users when used in particular ways.
I even have a Harmony Rocket and a Stratocaster with a scalloped neck back in Florida.
At 21, I discovered repression and injustice. The army would shoot students with real bullets.
I'm not harmful, just introspective. You can probably think I'm weird, but it's not harmful weird.