These are not just attacks by frustrated unemployed people, the climate has deteriorated.
These attacks happen and we raise our guard for 30 days and then drop it, that's just human nature.
If the U.S. Attacks without provocation, The Chinese is legally bound to defend North Korea.
The unrelenting attacks on me personally, my family, are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of us.
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks and the latest attack on French soldiers, ISIS knows that will generate attention.
I had panic attacks during rehearsal. There were times when I really thought I wasn't going to be able to do it.
Indiscriminate attacks on civilians ought, under all circumstances, to be illegal in war as in peacetime.
They were threatening the pope, celebrating the recent attacks in paris and threatening the former u.s. Ambassador to kosovo.
Satellites are becoming trophy attacks for hackers. It's increasingly a cause for concern.
I do have confidence that the people who are committing these attacks are a very small minority with very small support.