Time is an available instrument for reaching the eternal.
Many species are migratory, meaning they're available fresh in various regions only at certain times of the year.
And so, to the extent the president needs me, I will be available to him, I remain loyal to the president and to the cause.
If it's available year round, it's kind of lost its luster, spray roses? That's boring.
We do not need torture as an available instrument of interrogation.
The issue of skilled and available manpower is the main barrier to growth and competitiveness in the field of high tech.
There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.
With .NET once an API is published it's available to all programming languages at the same time.
I'm always available to sit down with the owner or general manager - absolutely.
This is really the last big piece of merensky reef available above a thousand meters.
It had been available early on and it was probably a much shorter list than it will be now.
Flex is all about leveraging available capacity.
There was sort of a filter on what was available to kids.
I'm available to fight anybody.
There will be masses available all day long. Confession available all day long.
Even though I am available to work additional hours, I'm only scheduled for approximately 30 hours every week.
All of this technology wasn't available to Einstein. I bet he would've invented LIGO.
I don't know why they weren't made available to the general assembly.
We should expand this so it's available to more Canadians and more people who use drugs internationally.
If we don't need the players who are available to sign, then why are we going to sign?
I am available to all women - all women who can afford me, that is.
Absolutely, our records are available for anybody to look at.
I'm not dying. I'm still in the family. And I'm still available to come back, I don't like a big to-do about it.
Preachers denounce sin as if it was available to everyone.
Netflix isn't available internationally all the time, but the NBA is. It's nice to have something that feels like home.
I try to be available for the fans, but sometimes when I'm with my family, wife, and friends, I try to protect my private life.
Powders make this material much more available to the lung, where asbestos does its damage.
It is commercially available right now, and it's been studied over many years at memorial sloan kettering cancer center.