Bailey ... Laid up next to the house and died.
My marriage to David Bailey ended one morning in 1983, while he was away on a photo-shoot.
I like Sam Bailey - she's got a huge voice.
We shouldn't be bailing out insurance companies under ObamaCare.
I opposed the bailout of banks and car companies.
I love Christopher Bailey and Burberry, Mulberry for bags, and Hudson for jeans.
Bailing on a company is just something you don't do.
You can print money to bail out a bank, but you can't print life to bail out a planet.
Chet Edwards votes for every bailout and against ending any bailout!
I was at UGA playing with Champ Bailey and Hines Ward - both guys who will probably touch the Hall of Fame one day.
Bailing out every bank that fails makes the system riskier, not safer.
In the case of the environment, there's no one to bail it out.
Beetle Bailey is actually me, in uniform. I've got about 20 characters, and they're all after friends of mine.
Syriza accepted a new, third bailout - austerity that goes against its program and pledges.
I disagree with the court keeping bail at $1 million, I find that excessive, she didn't kill anyone.