Wine upon beer is very good cheer; beer upon wine consider with fear.
Under the code of hammurabi, bartenders who watered down beer were punished by execution.
I am only a beer teetotaller, not a champagne teetotaller.
I don't know what (the delegates) are discussing over a beer or a pretzel, but in the hallways here, no.
Caution is the parent of delicate beer glasses.
They who drink beer think beer.
Small beer comes the last.
When the beer goes in the wits go out.
We were really fascinated by the idea of recreating the mijiaya beer and seeing what people were drinking 5,000 years ago.
It's the dissolved solids that remain that do the damage, and beer and wine have lots of them.
Dartmouth's unofficial mascot is a beer keg called "keggy the keg. Created in 2003, it was initially controversial but is now part of the dartmouth culture.
There were no tourists. Beer was illegal. There was only government television and no television on Thursdays or in the summer.
Life's not all beer and skittles.
Life isn't all beer and skittles.
Better weak beer than an empty cask.
Most people hate the taste of beer to begin with. It is, however, a prejudice that many people have been able to overcome.
It's a craft beer that's going after the corona market.
If we see beer bottles in the background, you know, we're not going to accept that.
I've been brewing my own beer with this ex-army bloke.
I'm not a great beer drinker, but I do like Butcombe, probably because it's made of good Somerset water.
I'm a big root beer guy.
I was an anorexic, beer drinking, class cutting, doodling, shoplifting, skater chick that was into nature, art class, and the beach.
I usually need a can of beer to prime me.
I love football and beer and have a normal girlfriend.
I hate drugs. I drank a beer once and threw up.
I had this beer brewed just for me. I think its the best I ever tasted. And I've tasted a lot. I think you'll like it too.
I don't think that there is a beer summit in the cards for me at the White House.