I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it.
I'm a great believer in luck. I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
I'm a big believer in believing.
I am a strong believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
I'm a big believer in karma, I just feel like you treat others as you would want to be treated.
I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work the more of it I seem to have.
There are countless circles of hell; believers never penetrate the ninth circle.
It is through ministering to people that believers behold the lord and receive his glory.
My personal workout regimen varies, but I'm a big believer in doing workouts that give you the biggest bang for your buck.
It often takes a strong believer in someone else's dream to make dreams come true.
If you are a believer that the fed is going to start to normalize policy, financials are a category that should work.
For my part, I am not a great believer in bad luck on the cricket field, in business - in fact, in any walk of life.
I'm a firm believer in only getting involved in things you're passionate about.
Generally, TED speakers are believers in the scientific method.
I am a believer and a conformist.
I am a believer in free trade, fair free trade.
I am a believer in god, but I have not restricted myself to one religion. I have experienced many religions.
I am a believer in people succeeding on merit.
I am a believer in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity.
I am a believer in the journey and enjoying the journey.
I am a believer of all religions. I will happily visit a temple, mosque, church. I do not differentiate between religions.
I am a believer that color affects people's moods.
I am a big believer in early intervention.
I am a big believer in fun for free.
I am a big believer in letting your own personal freak flag fly.
I am a big believer in life in this fact Scars are a very beautiful thing.
I am a big believer in marriage.