The belly is a bad adviser.
The full belly does not believe in hunger.
A hungry belly hears nobody.
Ill befal the belly that forgets eaten bread.
The belly does not accept bail.
The belly warm, the foot at rest.
A priest's belly is made up of several sheepskins.
A full belly is neither good for flight, nor for fighting.
A hungry belly listens to no one.
The well-filled belly has little understanding of the empty.
A woman's belly is a garden with many kinds of fruit.
A hungry belly has no ears.
To rob one's belly to cover one's back.
The diamond in your belly sparkles on your face.
You can't fill your belly painting pictures of bread.
With a full belly it is easy to talk about fasting.
A full belly dances better than a fine coat.
A gross belly does not produce a refined mind.
It is easier to fill a rogue's belly than his eye.
The belly gives no credit.
When the belly is full the mind is amongst the maids.
Better belly burst than good victuals spoil.
A full belly counsels well.
A full belly sets a man jigging.
The bagpipe never utters a work till its belly is full.
The belly overrules the head.
The belly robs the back.
You dance better with a full belly than with a new dress.
So long as the belly is silent all whores are virgins.
The belly has no conscience.