A narrow neck keeps the bottle from being emptied in one swig.
Walls have ears, bottles have mouths.
He who pours water hastily into a bottle spills more than goes in.
Pleasure for one hour, a bottle of wine. Pleasure for one year a marriage; but pleasure for a lifetime, a garden.
A thousand pounds and a bottle of hay are all one at domesday.
Full bottles and glasses make swearers and asses.
A good bottle of wine does not need a cork.
It is only the first bottle that is expensive.
Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.
With a bottle and a girl one does not count the hours.
Over the bottle many a friend is found.
Medicine left in the bottle can't help.
Pleasure for an hour, a bottle of wine; pleasure for a year, marriage; pleasure for a lifetime, a garden.
Four bottles of vodka a day, $300 a day heroin habit, distended liver, enlarged heart... Just homeless, couldn't die.
If we see beer bottles in the background, you know, we're not going to accept that.
A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.
We brought one of the wine/beer bottles to the surface and delivered it to the nc maritime museum for handling.
Opening the bottle of champagne is a ceremony that brings together everyone in the group.
Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.
Drink a bottle of water and wait 20 minutes to see if you feel better.
Expiration dates on bottled water have nothing to do with the water.
Ed sheeran has a ketchup bottle tattooed on his arm.
Every pint bottle should contain a quart.
They got rid of bottled water. We got thermoses that say 'Grey's Anatomy Season 4' with our names on it. Cool.
I don't think it serves anyone to bottle emotions.
We protect aspirin bottles in this country better than we protect guns from accidents by children.
I looked into that empty bottle and I saw myself.
While 750-ml glass bottles solidly hold 70 percent of the market.