Breathes there the man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said, this is my own, my native land!
It lives, eats and breathes humans.
Torino is a city that breathes football.
Breathes there a man with hide so tough who says two sexes aren't enough?
No life that breathes with human breath has ever truly longed for death.
Art breathes into life a surplus that is both vital and extraordinary.
Manchester United breathes football.
Bondy is a city that breathes football.
When resting, the average adult breathes around 12 to 20 times a minute.
Everybody breathes the ambient air, so it affects everyone, so even small risks can translate into major burdens of disease.
God breathes through us so completely... So gently we hardly feel it... Yet, it is our everything.
An average person breathes in around 11,000 litres of air every day.
Artists are nearest god. Into their souls he breathes his life, and from their hands it comes in fair, articulate forms to bless the world.