Seven brothers in a council make wrong right.
In the small lanes there are no brothers or friends.
Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.
The wrath of brothers is fierce and devilish.
Five fingers are brothers but not equals.
Brothers love each other when they are equally rich.
The wrath of brothers is the wrath of devils.
Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.
The wright brothers flew through the smoke screen of impossibility.
The wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility.
Isis brothers are supporting us a lot financially.
I'm representing thousands of my brothers and sisters who fought and continue to fight for our country.
That all men should be brothers is the dream of people who have no brothers.
Brothers go out with a knife, whatever is needed, attack them, kill them en masse.
The taliban did not kidnap our hazara brothers in the past, and we know they also fight this new group, daish.
I'm a Coen Brothers fan - especially their early work.
What I love about the Coen brothers - what everyone loves - is that they sort of toe the line of a truly dark comedy.
But the Allman Brothers made some great studio records.
To our brothers in Latin America and the world, we must convey that the Cuban people will overcome.
The Coen brothers are amazing; they're special.
They are our brothers and sisters, they all are.
I have little brothers and sisters, and they annoy me a lot, but I love them so much because they're so smart and witty.
My favorite bands are the Allman Brothers and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
You would think none of my brothers have jobs with how much time they spend on the phone with our mom.
I think we brothers realised his loss more and more as we grew older. We actually grew closer after his death.
I think The Singh Brothers - I know them as Harv and Gurv - they're doing great.
I am as sensitive as my brothers and other members of my family.
My father and brothers were coal miners.