You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.
You know, when you're poor and you have a bunch of kids in your family, you don't know that everybody's not poor.
You can have a bunch of individually good players, but it doesn't matter. You gotta learn to play like a team.
You can have a bunch of great actors in a film, but if you don't have anyone telling a great story, it's a moot point.
You can give a bunch of opportunities to people, but if they are not ambitious, nothing is going to happen.
Who would I be to be cowering to a bunch of gutless cowards acting like a bunch of tough guys online?
When you have a bunch of comfortable upholstered pieces, a single bronze or brass chair really turns the energy up.
When you get a bunch of Latinxs together, we get to handle our stories. A cultural shorthand happens.
When ramps are in season, we pickle a bunch of ramps and fold that into soup. Pickled pearl onions are great chopped up or pureed.
I was involved in a bunch of school activities - I was a cheerleader, I was on the chess team, I was vice president of my class.
Legacy? I'm a worker in the factory; all we care about is today! A legacy... What a bunch of baloney.
The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on average, than the citizens of Baltimore.
I'm working on a bunch of things with my daughter Emily. In some ways, she's a smarter and better editor than I am.
There's a bunch of stuff I want to learn. Instead of waiting around on set all day, I'd rather be learning something cool.
When I used to do the Edinburgh Festival, there was a bunch of guys selling fresh oysters and I'd eat ten daily - marvellous.
Channel 4 are a great bunch of people to work with and the crew are lovely. Working at ITV was like being in the court of Caligula.