Do not call to a dog with a whip in your hand.
Call a woman a harlot and you make her one.
What is done under the four moons need never be recalled nor regretted.
Eat of your own, and call yourself mine (i.e. Be my servant and find yourself).
Call me not fortunate till you see me buried.
Tell your affairs in the market-place, and one will call them black and another white.
The ox comes to the yoke at the call of his feeder.
Never call a kerry man a fool until you're sure he's not a rogue.
Call on god, but row away from the rocks.
The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.
Call someone your lord and he'll sell you in the slave market.
As the call.
The pot calls the kettle black.
To call a spade a spade.
To call off the dogs.
I think the key is basically just your determination. As far an artist is concerned, it's just about your drive and your dream.
Call it predictive safety management.
Claude Rains was what we call an actor's actor. He was very involved with himself and his performance.
I'm the guy they used to call Deep Throat.
In 2013, a plant was genetically spliced that grew tomatoes above ground, and potatoes underground. It is called the tomtato.
You don't need to recall 100,000 cars because you need to fix something. That can be done with a download of software.
In law, one's sense of calling or vocation will lead one to be interested in certain dimensions of Constitutional law.
Will they call it at 7 or 7:01 ?
I think when you call someone out, you have to be ready.
They call it universal health care— it's universal unless you have a terminal disease.
We are filmmakers, and we are specifically trying to entertain people.
I believe that what we call beautiful is generally a by-product.
I get a lot of calls from people who want accent softening, who say,' I want to sound like the queen,'.
The present leadership of USCIS would probably be politically inclined to do that.
I'm not a fan of what we call 'friendly fire' or 'blue on blue.' We don't want to have that.