We've confiscated all the hard disks of closed circuit cameras in this temple for police to find evidence of wrongdoing.
The cameras provide constant capturing of where these animals are.
Unless I'm caught with a camera I didn't see, I'm not going to use profanity in public.
Start at a local camera rental shop, test out a few of their dslr beginner recommendations.
There's no way I can take a camera and just do street photography in morocco. People will get aggressive.
The autopsy report and the camera footage point to elci dying as a result of a police bullet.
The best camera in the world has 200 megapixels, but your eyes would have 576 megapixels if it was a camera.
The first camera needed an incredibly long exposure.
My heroes are the camera crew and the electricians. They work such long hours.
I feel that working with the camera and editing it is actually my strong suit.
I'm always aware of the camera and it feels like that's the audience.
I've been in front of the camera since the sonogram.
I miss the camera each moment and each day.
The camera is my tool. Through it I give a reason to everything around me.
For me, the brand of the camera is not the most important thing. I think you can take good pictures with the camera on your phone.
It's not that easy, but the moment the camera is switched on, I have to mould myself to breathe life into the characters I portray.
The cameraman isn't thinking about whether you're good that day. He's too busy worrying about what he has to do.
Often I pretended to a cameraman to know less than I did. That way I got more cooperation.
Really, voice-over is great. If it paid as much as on camera work, it's all I'd ever do.
I don't really overthink my characters. The camera comes on, and I am on.
Writing, directing... Anything behind the camera is what I want to do.
I'm not an artist. I set the camera up and tell my story.
Stick a camera up in an Indian village, and thousands of people come to watch.
Ironically, I don't like having cameras in my face.
We build camera rigs tailored specifically to the story we're trying to tell or the shot we're trying to capture.
If there were camera phones back in the day, the biggest athletes in the world would have had a lot of explaining to do.
It wasn't like I picked a camera up in 1989 and stopped making music. I picked a camera up and found another form of expression.
The rise of the Internet and the camera phone have started to change what stories are accessible.
When I am in front of the camera or on stage, I am not me.
I don't like camera trickery and editing and doubles and all of that.