I'm actually scared of horror movies. I'm kind of Scaredy Cat when it comes to that stuff.
If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
I think I'm going to be stereotyped forever, but I'm not scared of being stereotyped.
If you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost.
I'm scared of things that I can't see that can hurt me, you know.
Care now, be cared for later.
As a kid, I was a Hitchcock lover; I cared about the dark side of things.
Once bitten by a snake, he/she is scared all his/her life at the mere sight of a rope.
I was scared the pin was there and I said, 'oh my god, did you swallow it?' and she said, 'i don't know,'.
Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.
I was kind of scared of failing at acting.
On 'Scandal,' they've proven that they're not scared of shocking the audience.
I'm scared of fish - the way they look at you.
I'm very scared sometimes that fashion might attack its own magic by the amount of exposure.
Scrutiny has never scared me because I have had detractors all my life.
I was scared to death, but i've never felt more alive.
Through the '80s, nobody cared about Johnny Cash.
I'm scared of being a one-hit wonder because my second single has set the bar too high.
To be honest, I am scared of acting, and moreover, I want to be perfect on the musical stage first.
Be not scared to use your voice.
I was so scared I would never be able to dance or do cheerleading in the future.
I wanted to be scared again ... I wanted to feel unsure again. That's the only way I learn, the only way I feel challenged.
I was really scared to stay home alone when I was kid, and I would freak out whenever there was a noise after my parents left.
I am just scared to death of online dating.
People are scared of the truth.
I'm angry because I was so scared for so many years about just being myself.
Whether you're scared of getting into a relationship; or taking the new job; or a confrontation - you have to size fear up.
Don't be scared when you have no other choice.
I'm not scared of growing old, I'm just scared of not achieving everything that I want to do.
I'm scared of needles.