I have spoken to Chinese leaders occasionally on human rights, but I've always done it in private.
Overall deployment of the 700-stong chinese infantry battalion and its equipment will take more than two months to complete.
If we expose the Chinese to our freedoms, it may create a greater hunger for democracy, reform and liberties in China.
The Chinese have a habit of reading. Many families regard books as the most valuable family asset.
If the U.S. Attacks without provocation, The Chinese is legally bound to defend North Korea.
For a long time, investors and multinationals have not held the chinese government accountable for having better data.
I like eating Mughlai, Chinese and Italian cuisines, but Chinese cuisine is one which I can have any day, any time!
My Chinese name is Man Shing which means 'ten thousand success.' It's a name that's sure to set me up for failure.
For many centuries Chinese society has been free of class distinctions such as are found even in advanced democracies.
This has nothing to do with traditional chinese medicine ; it's just newly invented branding for rhino products.
Nearly all of these Chinese girls that have had success have had coaching from foreign coaches.
As the Chinese economy continues to slow, a large portion of this debt will become impossible to service.
Chinese people today have strong demand for culture, but we need effective supply, and China needs innovative cultural products.
I was born in Brooklyn, delivered by a Chinese doctor on a table in a boarding house on Sept. 23, 1920.
There's nothing in Chinese culture that is an equivalent of the geisha. It's so different, so special to Japan.
Chinese women are much more modest than American women when it comes to clothes. We tend to show less flesh.
Chinese buildings are like American buildings, with big footprints. People don't care about daylight or fresh air.
The Chinese are really good at diplomacy - and even at making their interlocutors feel very uncomfortable.