What obstructs the vision and is called smog in our big cities is called defining the issues in politics.
If anything, cities are concentrations of opportunity.
The smog in mexico city is not as bad as some of the cities in china, it's more like los angeles on a bad day.
If they spread to other cities then we will see people go out less and buy less.
Cities and coastal areas are woefully unprepared for the kind of climate and disaster risk now facing our world.
Even in cities there isn't full market penetration.
The cities and mansions that people dream of are those in which they finally live.
Easing growth in first-tier cities is a good thing, preventing a bubble from inflating.
There are several large cities in Australia, including Sydney and Melbourne. Canberra was chosen to be the capital city as a result of an ongoing debate between Melbourne and Sydney over which would be the capital.
You go to a lot of cities they've got these great big footballer's houses. There's not many in Stoke-on-Trent.
Eventually there are going to be cities in space.
Cities need to reinvent themselves in order to stay alive.
The cities are the principal home and seat of the human group. They are the coral colony for Man, the collective being.
In cities like Miami, my hair can get so frizzy, it looks crazy. I use TRESemm Extra Hold hairspray. I use a lot of it.
Cities are not static objects to be feared or admired, but are instead a living process that residents are changing all the time.
Cities are about juxtaposition.
Cities are drivers of growth and wealth, and at the same time, cities are becoming increasingly violent.
Cities are just a physical manifestation of your interactions, our interactions, and the clustering and grouping of individuals.
Cities are made for enemies to destroy.
Cities are not problems. They are solutions.
Cities are obvious metaphors for life. We call roads 'arteries' and so forth.
Cities are the crucible of civilization.
Cities are those laboratories of democracy that states used to be.
Cities are where the climate battle will be won or lost.
Cities are, first of all, seats of the highest economic division of labor.
Cities force growth and make men talkative and entertaining, but they make them artificial.
Cities force growth and make people talkative and entertaining, but they also make them artificial.
Cities force growth, and make men talkative and entertaining, but they make them artificial.
Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark.