NBC gives comedies a chance to find their legs.
'Groundhog Day' was one of the greatest comedies ever made.
Most comedies are really hard to write, or to watch, because you kind of generally know what's coming.
One of my favorite comedies of all time is 'Terms of Endearment;' that's my pace.
I think that romantic comedies have a special place in most people's hearts, especially the younger demographic.
A lot of comedies fall apart because they just go from joke to joke, and the characters are all sort of being crazy off on their own.
Big studio comedies are such a headache.
Musical comedies aren't written, they are re-written.
I like comedies in general.
Romantic comedies are backbreaking to write because they have to be fresh.
One of my favorite comedies is 'Three Amigos!' Oh my gosh, me and my brother quote that all the time.
All those zany comedies have instilled a sense of pace in me.
Some of the best comedies now are led by women who are very involved 'Parks and Recreation.' 'Veep's' incredible. I love 'Girls.'
Unfortunately, I was making comedies in my 20s, but other people didn't realize they were comedies.
Comedies are something I'd be very interesting in doing.
I love romantic comedies more than anything.
I love romantic comedies so much.
I played comedies and dramas.
I prefer comedies when they come from a dark kind of place and have a reality to it.
I think comedies should be short. I don't want to be self-indulgent; I don't want a two-hour comedy.
I think the best comedies came out during the Depression. Personally.
I'm not into comedies that are joke-driven.
I'm obsessed with 'Game of Thrones.' I love comedies - I really like '30 Rock' and 'Modern Family.'
I've been doing comedies but I'm not a comedian.
Most of my comedies were low on budgets - certainly by American standards.
Most of the comedies I've done have been rather farcical and extravagant.
Musical comedies aren't written, they are rewritten.