The filmmaking process is a very personal one to me, I mean it really is a personal kind of communication. It's not as though its a study of fear or any of that stuff.
But I'm acutely aware that the possibility of fraud is even more prevalent in today's world because of the Internet and cell phones and the opportunity for instant communication with strangers.
The fantastic advances in the field of communication constitute a grave danger to the privacy of the individual.
The fact that we are I don't know how many millions of people, yet communication, complete communication, is completely impossible between two of those people, is to me one of the biggest tragic themes in the world.
Measured in time of transport and communication, the whole round globe is now smaller than a small European country was a hundred years ago.
The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is necessary to management success.
I think communication should be fun and that we should all worry less about how we say things and more about what we say.
It is vital that the United States maintains open lines of communication with our allies. We must assure them of our commitment to eradicating global terrorism wherever it may reside or wherever it's given haven.
In the last analysis, what we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.
A world community can exist only with world communication, which means something more than extensive short-wave facilities scattered about the globe. It means common understanding, a common tradition, common ideas, and common ideals.
Society cannot share a common communication system so long as it is split into warring factions.
Gradually I became aware of details: a company of French soldiers was marching through the streets of the town. They broke formation, and went in single file along the communication trench leading to the front line. Another group followed them.