Some say, compared to bononcini, that mynheer handel's but a ninny; others aver, that he to handel is scarcely fit to hold a candle: strange all this difference should be, 'twixt tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee!
I'm not that much of a socialist, compared to eisenhower.
These stocks aren't exactly cheap, they're cheap compared to a concept stock like amazon where the valuation is so full.
They don't have the urge to save... Compared to millennials in other countries, they don't need to save for a flat.
Man, I was tame compared to what they do now, are you kidding ? All that I ever did was just jiggle.
Valuations in this sector remain reasonable, particularly when compared to other, more speculative sectors.
The frequency( of fires) is quite small compared to the number of batteries in use, but it still is a potential hazard.
The type of exposure that he gets compared to other brokers is incredible.
The interest rate is still low compared to historical standards.
Compared to 10 years ago the primary motivation for defection has gone from food, to freedom.
Death is not the worst thing that can happen, death is mercy, compared to the alternatives.
To him, that sacrifice is nothing compared to what these families have gone through.
Compared to other cultures, Viking women had more rights than most women. Viking women had the right to divorce their husbands and inherit property.
Compared with other Indian film composers, I only write about six movies a year. Others write up to 60.
I've been compared to Jude Law my whole career.
As compared with the college politician, the real article seems like an amateur.
I have always compared our traditions of liberty, like those of Abraham Lincoln and Ho Chi Minh.
Compared to what we ought to be, we are half awake.
Compared to the big 19th-century novelists, I've got a slim volume of work.
Compared to the challenges or raising an autistic child, weightlifting is a relief.
Who wouldn't want to be compared to a guy like Steph Curry?
Being compared to Hagi is an honor.
I'm not very good at story. In fact, compared to character and language, I barely care about story at all.
The press always compared my family to the Kennedys - so much bad luck.
I wouldn't reread Sartre today. Compared to everything I've read since, his fiction seems dated and has lost much of its value.
I always get compared to looking like a silent movie star - though I don't know if that's a compliment, honestly.
I don't mind being compared to Whitney, there are people miles worse to be compared to.
I hated being compared to anybody.
I am Anil Kapoor's daughter, so I am always compared with legends. It is a part and parcel of my life.
Compared to what some of the young comics use for material today, I'm a priest.